8.0 LOGLIN Command The LOGLIN command allows estimation of univariate and multivariate Log-Linear and Logistic Models for up to 4 left hand variables and 16 right hand variables. A related procedure is MLOGLIN. A basic reference for the LOGLIN procedure is: - Nerlove, M., and J. Press, Univariate and Multivariate Log-Linear Models, Rand 1973. The general form of the LOGIT command is: B34SEXEC LOGLIN options parameters$ MODEL Yvar1 Yvar2 Yvar3 = Xvar1 Xvar2 Xvar3 Xvar4 Xvar5 $ EVARSUPP Xvar1 Xvar2 $ BSUPP Yvari Xvarj Yvark Xvarm $ TSUPP Yvari Yvark Yvarn $ SSUPP Yvari Xvarj Yvark Xvarm $ B34SEEND$ The MODEL sentence is required. LOGLIN Options: KTEST - Test data. The default is not to test data inputted. KCHCK - Output at each iteration. IALLB - Suppress bivariate interaction terms. IALLT - Suppress trivariate interaction terms. IALL4 - Suppress all 4 way interaction terms. LOGLIN parameters: NVWT=name1 - Name of weight variable. ITOL1=value1 - Tolerence for convergence of likelihood function. Default = .1E-03. A maximum of 10 digits can be supplied. ITOL2=value2 - Tolerence for coefficients. Default = .1E-02. A maximum of 10 digits can be supplied. LIMIT=n1 - Sets iteration limit. Default=20. MODEL sentence. MODEL Y1 Y2 = X1 X2 X3 $ Where Y1 Y2 are the left hand (0-1) variables and X1 X2 X3 are right hand variables. Y1 , Y2, X1, X2 X3 must have been passed to B34S. The maximum number of right hand variables = 16, left hand variables = 4. The LOGLIN command allows a model with all endogenous variables. In this case use the form MODEL Y1,Y2,Y3$ EVARSUPP sentence. EVARSUPP Xvari Xvark $ The EVARSUPP sentence allows named variables to be suppressed from all equations. If this is not desired, see SSUPP sentence below. This sentence is usually not used since user can omit variables by not listing them on the right of the MODEL sentence. BSUPP sentence. BSUPP Yvari Yvarj Yvavk Yvarl $ The BSUPP sentence allows selective suppression of some exogenous variables from some equations. Here the bivariate pairs Yvari-Yvarj and Yvalk-Yvarl are suppressed. A maximum of 5 pairs of Y variables can be suppressed. TSUPP sentence. TSUPP Yvar1 Yvar3 Yvar4 , .... , Yvar2 Yvar3 Yvar1 $ The TSUPP sentence allows selective suppression of some of the trivariate interaction terms. A maximum of 9 Y variables (3 sets of 3) can be supplied. SSUPP sentence. SSUPP Yvar1 Xvark Yvar2 Xvarj $ The SSUPP sentence allows variable Xvark to be suppressed from the equation for YVAR1 and Xvarj to be suppressed from the equation for Yvar2. A maximum of 20 pairs can be suppressed. Sample LOGLIN setup. B34SEXEC LOGLIN $ MODEL Y = X Z Q $ B34SEEND$ Two equation model where X1 is suppressed from the second equation. B34SEXEC LOGLIN $ MODEL Y1 Y2 = X1 X2 X3 $ SSUPP Y2 X1 $ B34SEEND$